Epic Sim is the result of the intuition of a team of managers / professionals with a deep-rooted experience in the financial markets, commercial and investment banking and strategic consulting, including Guido Ferrarini (Chairman) and Andrea Crovetto (CEO). As a brokerage company, since March 2014 Epic Sim organizes a digital network where professional investors (both institutional and private) have access to opportunities to finance development projects of Italian SMEs (private debt, direct lending, private equity, public equity). Through its fintech platform (www.epic.it), Epic acts as an independent intermediary between companies and investors, and provides the former with an alternative financing channel for development projects , while offering the latter a diversification of investments, in a transparent and cost-effective way .
Thanks to the alliance with Epic SIM – which has developed a new digital financing platform for the intersection between companies and investors – Digital Magics possesses an innovative tool to bring new financial resources to the startups in incubation and new investors for the investee companies of Digital Magics. The aim is to accelerate the development of startups and scaleups with a view towards their exit and/ or their IPO.
On the website www.epic.it there is a section dedicated to investment opportunities in Digital Magics’ investee companies, hosting dossiers on the startups. This is a new financing model that provides high standards of transparency and in-depth analysis, in addition to a forum to discuss and analyse the financial operations, dealing directly with issuers. Access to the dedicated Epic platform is reserved exclusively for the qualified investors (as defined in the Consob/MiFID regulations).