Since 2003, the year in which the company was founded by Enrico Gasperini, Alberto Fioravanti, Gabriele Ronchini and Bibop Gresta, we believe that the best ideas come from working together. In 2008 we launched our incubator and accelerator for innovative startups and scaleups offering a high level of content and services for value creation.
In 2021 we announced our new growth plan cn which we have set our goals for the coming years:
€100 million of Portfolio target value by 2025
200 equity holdings with investments of over €10 million.
The expansion of the portfolio will done through the acceleration programs which will focus on high potential sectors with the aim to launch between 20 and 25 programs, with the existing model involving Co-Investors, Corporate Partners and Tech Partners.
We are entrepreneurs, we are professionals, we are creative, we are innovators and together we have an extraordinary experience in building successful companies based on innovative and cutting-edge technologies.

We don’t believe in crystal balls, but know that the only certainty about the future is that there will be constant change. Our Goal is to continuously identify opportunities, trends, solve challenges and guide companies, giving them additional value.